"Speech is power: speech is to persuade, to convert, to compel."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Group Workshops
The Power Presenter

This public speaking workshop focuses on the basics of presenting such as attention-getting introductions, meaningful conclusions, compelling speech structure, effective eye contact, vocal projection, gestures, and mental game preparation. This highly participative group training can range from an hour to a full day workshop.
1 hour - full day
Express Yourself!

Many individuals lose their personality when they are nervous speaking in front of a group of people. This workshop focuses on strengthening participants’ vocal inflection, facial expressions and gestures. Participants push the boundaries and learn how to effectively engage their voice and body in order to engage their audience.
2 hours
The Elevator Speech

In today’s fast-paced, short attention span world, you may only have the 30 seconds, the time of an elevator ride, to present yourself and make an impression. This workshop focuses on the basics of an effective and polished elevator speech (a short summary used to quickly and simply define a person, profession, product, service, organization or event and it’s value proposition).
30 minutes - 1 hour
Social. Sell. Succeed.

This workshop is aimed to help business professionals strengthen their verbal and non-verbal interpersonal skills to succeed in professional settings. Most business professionals “network” by talking about themselves. Learn how to create strong connections by shifting the conversation to focus on the other person. In this workshop you will learn a tool to help you build relationships, a fool-proof way to introduce yourself, and verbal and non-verbal strategies to make an effective first impression.
30 min - 1 hour